英文名字中间的点怎么打;Dot in the Middle

2024-04-19 0 24

英文名字中间的点怎么打;Dot in the Middle


This article discusses the use of the dot in the middle of English names. It covers six aspects of how to type the dot in the middle, including keyboard shortcuts, copy and paste, Unicode codes, HTML codes, and Mac and Windows settings.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Typing the dot in the middle of a name can be done using keyboard shortcuts. On a Windows computer, hold down the “Alt” key and type “0183” on the numeric keypad. On a Mac, hold down the “Option” key and type “8”. This method is quick and easy, but it requires memorizing the shortcuts.

Another option is to create a custom keyboard shortcut. This can be done in the Settings menu on both Windows and Mac computers. By creating a shortcut, the dot in the middle can be typed with a few keystrokes, making it even easier to use.

Copy and Paste

Another simple way to type the dot in the middle is to copy and paste it from a source. This could be from a website, document, or another source. Simply highlight the dot in the middle, right-click, and select “Copy”. Then, go to the desired location and right-click again, selecting “Paste”. This method is easy and requires no memorization, but it can be time-consuming.

Unicode Codes

Unicode codes are another way to type the dot in the middle. Unicode is a standard for encoding characters in various languages, including English. The Unicode code for the dot in the middle is “U+00B7”. To type it, hold down the “Alt” key and type “00B7” on the numeric keypad. This method can be useful for those who frequently use Unicode characters.

HTML Codes

HTML codes are similar to Unicode codes but are used specifically for web development. To type the dot in the middle using HTML, use the code “·”. This code can be used in HTML documents, emails, and other web-related content.

Mac Settings

On a Mac computer, the dot in the middle can also be typed using the “ABC Extended” keyboard layout. This layout can be accessed by going to the “Input Sources” tab in the “Keyboard” settings menu. Once selected, the dot in the middle can be typed using the “Option” key and the semicolon key.

Windows Settings

On a Windows computer, the dot in the middle can be added to the “AutoCorrect” feature. This feature automatically corrects common spelling errors and can be customized to include the dot in the middle. To do this, go to the “AutoCorrect” tab in the “Options” menu of Microsoft Word. From there, add the dot in the middle to the list of corrections.


In conclusion, there are several ways to type the dot in the middle of English names. These include keyboard shortcuts, copy and paste, Unicode codes, HTML codes, and Mac and Windows settings. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and users should choose the method that works best for them. By utilizing these methods, users can easily add the dot in the middle to their names and other text.

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